Simon Swift MA, VetMB, CertSA, DipECVIM-CA, MRCVS

Dr Simon Swift graduated from Cambridge University and started working in mixed animal practice before moving to exclusive small animal practice.  He rapidly developed a fascination for cardiology and passed the RCVS Certificate in Cardiology in 1990.  He became the advisor for the UK cavalier King Charles spaniel club from 1990 to 2014 when he moved to the USA advising them on degenerative valve disease.  He became a partner in large small animal practice in Manchester accepting referrals in cardiology.  He obtained his European diploma in cardiology after and alternative residency program at Liverpool University before moving into private referral practice in the UK. In 2013 he joined the Faculty of University of Florida.  Dr. Swift is immediate past Service Chief of Cardiology at University of Florida, Associate Editor of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine and a Medical Director. He is leading the development of an open heart program to perform mitral valve repair surgery in associate with the team at the Jasmine Clinic in Japan lead by Dr Uechi.  He enjoys teaching students and residents and helping clients and referring veterinarians.